Craigslist Secrets Posting Tutorial

After much consideration I have decided to create a Craigslist Secrets Posting Video Tutorial. After having my website up for many years I have received countless emails asking for many different things. The large array of questions and requests I get are rather difficult to deal with in the scope of a simple website.

I have seen other people create video tutorials for everything from using Photoshop to creating websites, so I thought this might be a fun thing to do. It would be a bit more interactive than just a simple web page. So I have created a series of video tutorials and I have them available to view at my website at (Go to the Tutorial Page)

Take a look at the Craigslist Video tutorial series that I have created and I certainly hope they help you with your posting methods and avoiding Ghosting or Flagging. I will ad more videos as the questions and comments roll in. Be sure to let me know what you think and how to improve them. I enjoy the comments from me readers very much. With these videos I hope to give the viewer much more detailed information than what I can do on a web page. It will be more like speaking to a person directly instead of a written document. I will be telling you many posting and ant-flagging details that other folks charge for in their tutorials. I will give it to you for free. So watch them, enjoy them and send me your comments on my website. I look forward to it.

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